Of all religious traditions in the world, the SanatanDharm is unique for limitless range of different reasons. Wrongly counted as a polytheistic group of sects, the SanatanDharm allows for an infinite number of ways to reach the Ultimate. While maintaining the ancient customs and truths of the Ved, the SanatanDharm incorporates thousands of years of history, traditions, and systems of knowledge. Shastras, or scriptures have been at the very core of Sanatan life, though in far more liberal manner, when compared to other religious traditions and belief systems. When some systems are focused on one text, one figure, one prophet, and one practice, SanatanDharm requires an Atman, a soul, to find his or her truth best suited to his or her own temperament. Around the globe, stringent systems shun, prohibit, and even intimidate inspiration and creativity in their respective religious circles. It must be noted that there exist certain religious traditions which categorically forbid their followers from experiencing any divine experience, in an effort to maintain the supremacy of their leader, and command a monopoly over truth. One prophet, one lord, one text has been the only, and possibly the ultimate communication between the creator and his creation. Any individual experience, thought, or opinion is blasphemous and must be discouraged by might. The SanatanDharm is the polar opposite in this respect, where establishing a direct, experiential relationship with the divine is the final requisite.
Scores of texts and systems of experience have found their inspiration in the Vedic truths and have experienced, observed, and recorded their respective truths through the millennia. From the Darshanik truths ranging from the profound Vedant, to the intricate Mimansa, to the experiments of Yog Darshan, all find their place in the ambit of the Vedic tradition. For those who wish to find their truths through study and intellectuality, our Ved give Gyan Yog. For those who find their truth through service and efforts, we have Karm Yog. For those who wish to practice devotion, we have Bhakti Yog. The SanatanDharm practices in the truest manner Adhyatmik democracy, with the cardinal Vedic truths, expressed through individuality. It was the great saint of Bengal, Shri Ramakrishna Paramhans who remarked, “He is born in vain, who having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life.”
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